What is a stem cell?

Stem cells

In the animal body, there are cells that can change (“differentiate”) into various organs and tissues. These cells are called stem cells, and stem cell therapy is a treatment that regenerates lost organs and injuries by culturing these cells outside the body and returning them to the dog or cat’s body.

Stem cell therapy utilizes two types of stem cells. One is myeloid stem cells, which are found in the bone marrow fluid contained in the bone marrow, and the other is adipose stem cells, which are found in subcutaneous fat.

Stem cells derived from bone marrow or subcutaneous fat are known to differentiate into cells that form bone, cartilage, muscle and cardiac muscle cells, and blood vessels. Stem cell therapy is a treatment that uses these differentiating abilities to “regenerate” the necessary organs and tissues from one’s own cells.

Types of Stem Cell Therapy

Bone marrow stem cell therapy (BMSC therapy) Adipose stem cell therapy (ADSC therapy)
Bone marrow stem cell therapy (BMSC therapy) Adipose stem cell therapy (ADSC therapy)
Canine or feline bone marrow fluid is collected and only the stem cells are pre-cultured in a special container. The cells are then collected, washed, and administered into the body by direct injection into the affected area or intravenous infusion. Adipose stem cells are found in subcutaneous fat. A small amount of canine or feline adipose tissue is harvested, broken down with a special enzyme solution to isolate the stem cells, and the cells are pre-cultured in a special container. The cells are then pre-cultured to increase their number, collected, washed, and administered into the body by direct injection into the affected area or by intravenous infusion.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are stem cells?
Cells in the animal body change from source cells to cells that form various organs and tissues. This change is called “differentiation,” and the source cells are stem cells. Stem cells originally found in bone marrow and adipose tissue are known to differentiate into muscle, cardiac muscle, blood vessels, bone, and cartilage. Unlike pluripotent cells such as so-called iPS cells and ES cells, stem cells are characterized by their limited differentiation.
What is stem cell therapy?
Stem cell therapy is a treatment that uses stem cells grown from a small amount of fat tissue or bone marrow fluid taken from a sick dog or cat to repair or regenerate the cells and tissues of a damaged patient. The stem cells may be administered into the bloodstream or transplanted directly into the affected area.
What diseases are they effective for?
Stem cells are being investigated for the treatment of bone fracture healing failure, spinal cord injury, and inflammatory arthritis. In bone fracture healing, stem cells are thought to repair the fracture site by differentiating into the periosteum (the membrane surrounding the bone), bone cells, and blood vessels that carry nutrients. In spinal cord injury, stem cells are thought to differentiate into blood vessels and restore blood flow to the injured area, thereby assisting the growth of nerve cells and promoting the remodeling of the entire spinal cord. In arthritis, stem cells are thought to cause new cartilage and periosteum to form in joints, relieving pain and restoring inflammation.
How do you get the fat and marrow?
When fat is removed, local anesthesia (or general anesthesia in some cases) is administered and a small amount about the size of a pachinko ball is taken. When bone marrow fluid is extracted, general anesthesia is administered and a small amount of bone marrow fluid is extracted.
Do I need to be hospitalized? How much does it cost?
It depends on the animal’s condition and the type of disease. Please consult your veterinarian for more information.

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